February 8, 2018



February 8th, 2018


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Young, Gretchen Stubenvol, Amanda Small, Dan Fessenmeyer, Eric Helander, Chan Pollock, Scott Smith

HOA MEMBERS PRESENT: Roxanne Smith, Ed Small, Dave Evans, Beth Hilquist

A quorum constituting the required board members were present in person.  The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm on February 8th, 2018 at the residence of Board member Amanda Small.  The Agenda for this meeting and Minutes from the November Board meeting were approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.


  1. Treasury Report: Scott Smith delivered the treasurer’s report regarding financials through the end of December, 2017. Income was in line with projections, only slightly ahead due to the collection of late fees.  The road shoulder maintenance item caused us to be over budget by approximately $3,400. Funds were reallocated from the road maintenance fund to cover the overage.  The 2018 budget was reviewed and approved on a voice vote with no objections.  Reserves remain on track for forecasted road and fence projects during the 2020-2025 period.
  2. Garage Sale/Dumpster weekend: The Board approved the weekend of June 23rd for the neighborhood cleanup and garage sale weekend, and authorized Holly Richardson to contact Waste Management for the delivery of 3 dumpsters per prior years’ practice. Holly will also coordinate the garage sale notices.
  3. Mistletoe on trees in open space: Amanda Small had previously brought up the issue of mistletoe on several trees on the hillside open space in an e-mail to the Board for discussion at the November Board meeting.  Roxanne Smith, since the last meeting, had solicited quotes for various treatment and removal options and had circulated these to the Board. Several members had toured the affected area (generally along El Diente bordering the homes on the west side of street.)  A lengthy discussion yielded the following:
  • That there is mistletoe infection on several trees in the open space. Removal of seriously affected trees and/or limbs at significant cost (as recommended by our tree maintenance personnel) may mitigate spread, but with no guarantees.  Infected trees have a likely 20-30-year lifespan, and that mistletoe is prevalent in the Evergreen area on nearly all Ponderosa Pines.
  • That the Board adopt a standard for the consideration of issues such as this that places the potential for property damage, limiting the spread of fire or minimizing general liability above other, more subjective considerations. The standard was so adopted on voice vote with no objections.
  • That some thinning or trimming of the infected area should occur to meet the above higher order standards, but a subcommittee of the Board that includes one or more affected homeowners bordering the open space should make those recommendations at a future Board meeting and after the winter season.
  • That the subcommittee include Board Members Small, Helander and HOA residents Roxanne Smith and Beth Hilquist. The subcommittee and action was approved on voice vote with no objections.
  1. Annual Meeting: The Board set the date for the annual meeting – May 15th, 2018, 6:30pm at the Tuscany Tavern (if available, else location TBD).

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Submitted By: Chan Pollock, Board Secretary