May 15, 2018 – Annual



May 15th, 2018

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Young, Gretchen Stubenvoll, Amanda Small, LeAnn Fesenmeyer for Dan Fesenmeyer, Chan Pollock, Scott Smith

HOA MEMBERS PRESENT: Beth Hilquist, Angie Mays, Rita Pollock

A quorum constituting the required HOA and Board members were present in person.  The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm on May 15th, 2018 at The Wild Game.  The Agenda for this meeting and Minutes from the February Board meeting were approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.

  1. Treasury Report: Scott Smith delivered the treasurer’s report regarding financials through the end of April, 2018.  Income was in line with projections, only slightly ahead due to the collection of late fees.  Collections are on tract.  The expense budget was running approximately$1,300 under budget due to timing.  Scott brought up that there were a few (less than 5) reports from HOA members that the Post Office notified them that their check to the HOA was destroyed and they should reissue.  Scott had investigated with the Accounting office and they had indeed not arrived at their office.  Scott recommended and the Board approved with no objection that we waive the late fees for the quarter for those affected.
  2. Board Election: The three-year terms for Dave Young and Chan Pollock expire at the end of this Annual Meeting.  Both agreed to accept nominations for another three-year term if there were no other nominations.  Motion was made, seconded and accepted by the Board to that end.  The HOA members in attendance approved the nominees with no objections.  The Board will take up the issue of officers at the next Board meeting.
  3. Tree subcommittee:  Amanda Small reported that the subcommittee regarding tree mitigation work met and drafted a short mission statement and a few recommendations, which was read, discussed and approved without modification.  In summary, approximately $2,000 worth of mistletoe disease mitigation (pruning and removal of 1 or 2 trees) will commence shortly.  Additionally, Dave took an action item to hire a subcontractor to clean up deadfall throughout the open space area.  Chan took an action to ask Holly to order a 4th dumpster for the upcoming dumpster weekend to be used exclusively for the tree mitigation work.
  4. Fire Mitigation:  Amanda and Eric attended a fire mitigation seminar and updated the group on the highlights:  Be sure to sign up at JeffCo for Code Red; have a family plan when you get a fire call – where to meet, what to do, etc;  Meet your Neighbor – they might be able to assist if you are “down the hill” or out of town.   The boy scouts are taking on a project to update our neighborhood directory by going door-to-door and passing out fire mitigation pamphlets.  Beth and Amanda to coordinate.
  5. Next Meeting: The Board set the date for the next Board meeting – August 21st,, 2018, 6:30pm at the Tuscany Tavern (if available, else location TBD).

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Submitted By: Chan Pollock, Board Secretary