May 26, 2015



MAY 26th 2015

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chan Pollock, Fabrice Fonck, Allen Richardson, Roxanne Smith, Mike Dobson, Dave Young

OTHER ATTENDEES: Mike Paules (ARC), Scott Smith

A quorum constituting the required board members were present in person. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm at the home of Allen and Holly Richardson by HOA President, Chan Pollock. The meeting was called for three purposes: (a) for the election of Board officers for the 2015-2016 year, (b) as requested by the ARC during the Annual Meeting one week earlier, to walk through the neighborhood and discuss covenant and general improvement issues, and (c) other matters requiring review by the Board.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chan Pollock and Dave Young were nominated for President, Fabrice Fonck was nominated for Vice President and Allen Richardson was nominated for Treasurer. There were no nominations for Secretary. Chan agreed to step down as President and take the Secretary role. The nominations were all approved and seconded with no objections. Officers for 2015-2016 are Dave Young – President, Fabrice Fonck -Vice President, Allen Richardson – Treasurer, Chan Pollock – Secretary.

NEIGHBORHOODWALKABOUT: The Board walked throughout the entire neighborhood noting various covenant issues. Two issues warranted e-mail notices to homeowners – a trailer permanently parked on the street, and a car apparently parked permanently on the street. Each homeowner is to be sent an e-mail outlining the covenant and requesting that they officially request a variance for a short term issue or take care of the issue immediately. (UPDATE: At the time of this writing, both homeowners received e-mail notices).

There were several other issues related to general upkeep of individual lots. None warranted contact from the Board at this time, especially with the summer ahead of us where these things might be taken care of. The most notable items were as follows:

• The road shoulders are in definite need of repair. We have budgeted for this in 2015 and will undertake this after the summer monsoons – likely September.

• The fence along Evergreen Parkway was in need of repair and stain. Mike Dobson andMike Paules were going to head up the estimation and bidding process. Otherwise, the board felt the neighborhood was well maintained.

• Instances of the need for weed elimination, lawn maintenance, tree trimming and/or general landscaping for fire abatement purposes was occasionally noted throughout the neighborhood.

• Several houses were in need of painting or repair. It was noted that ARC approval is necessary for any changes to general appearance or the color palette of the home.

• Many drainage ditches or under driveway culverts were clogged with dirt or runoff materials, likely from heavy spring rains. It was noted that these things are the responsibility of the lot owners and not the HOA.

Should these general items continue to be a problem, the Board may and at its discretion, issue notices to homeowners that fail to adhere to the covenants.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8pm after the walkabout was completed.

Submitted by: Chan Pollock, Secretary