November 26th, 2017



November 26th, 2017

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Young, Gretchen Stubenvol, Amanda Small, Dan Fessenmeyer, Eric Helander, Chan Pollock, Scott Smith

A quorum constituting the required board members were present in person.  The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm on November 26th, 2017 at the Tuscany Tavern by President Dave Young.  The Agenda for this meeting and Minutes from the August Board meeting were approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.

  1. Treasury Report: Scott Smith delivered the treasurer’s report regarding financials through the end of July. Income is in line with projections, only slightly ahead due to the collection of late fees.  Spending is ahead of plan in selected areas, largely due to timing.  The report was reviewed by the Board and approved without dissent.  The Treasurer suggested two changes to treasury policies:
    • First, that we institute a short 5-day grace period beyond the invoice due date for receipt of payment before the calculation and application of late fees for HOA member accounts. After a short discussion, the Board authorized the Treasurer to make this change and he would notify our accounting office.
    • Second, that we institute a process for the approval of larger invoices. The accounting office, upon receipt of an invoice, simply pays them.  After some discussion, the Board authorized the Treasurer to notify the Accounting office that any invoice from a new supplier, or, any invoice over $1,000 that isn’t a regular monthly service (like trash hauling, for example) must be first forwarded to the Treasurer for approval before payment may be made.  Additionally, any invoice for a one time item over $2,000 requires approval from the Board before payment may be made.
  2. Legal retainer discussion: The Board attorney provided us with a proposal that would put them on retainer for the upcoming year for a fixed annual fee.  After some discussion, it was determined that the requirement for legal support has traditionally been low and we would not pursue the retainer option and instead opted for T&M should we require legal assistance this year.
  3. Social Budget/Holiday Parties: The Board authorized up to $175 each for the two holiday socials in December.
  4. Mistletoe on trees in open space: Amanda Small had previously brought up the issue of mistletoe on several trees on the hillside open space in an e-mail to the Board for discussion at this Board meeting.  Roxanne Smith, responsible for landscape supplier management, brought along some information relative to mistletoe and treatment options.  After some discussion, Roxanne was going to solicit recommended treatment alternatives from our regular tree service provider and forward the findings to the Board for future disposition.
  5. Next Meeting: The Board set the date for the next meeting – February 13th, 6:30pm at the Tuscany Tavern. [Secretary’s note:  Due to several conflicts, the meeting was subsequently changed to February 8th, 6:30 at Board Member Amanda Small’s house.]

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Submitted By: Chan Pollock, Board Secretary