The meeting was called to order by President, Jan Barkman, at 7:10 p.m. in the meeting room of the Tuscany Tavern Evergreen.
Proper notice of the meeting was given. A quorum was in attendance.
Members in attendance: Jan Barkman, Chan Pollock, Roxanne Smith, Fabrice Fonck, Christin Helander, Anita Barkman, Skip Evans, Dave Evans, Jason Middleton, Dan Donoho and Michael Dobson.
The minutes of the last annual meeting were approved by a motion.
Treasurer, Chan Pollock, gave a detailed report of the budget. A motion passed approving the treasurer’s report. He also gave a report on the year to date financials.
Three Board members had terms that expired. Jan Barkman, Roxanne Smith and Christin Helander. Both Roxanne and Christin agreed to another term. Michael Dobson was nominated to fill Jan Barkman’s expiring term.
The weekend of May 16th– May 18th is Promontory clean up and the dumpsters will be available. Leanne Fesenmeyer should be contacted if you have items to donate to the Garage Sale.
Jan Barkman stated that Easter Egg Hunt coordinated by Holly Richardson, Christine Thompson and Leanne Fesenmeyer was a wonderful event and the HOA appreciates the great job these ladies do.
On behalf of Paula Egan, Jan Barkman requested that Paula be allowed to sell hand crafted decorations at a “Garage Sale” in July. A motion to approve the request was passed.
Many accolades were given to Jan Barkman for the outstanding work he has done as President of the Association. He and Anita are moving to Florida and they will be missed!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Skip Evans, Secretary Pro Tem.