August 15th, 2017



August 15th, 2017


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Young, Gretchen Stubenvol, Amanda Small, Dan Fessenmeyer, Eric Helander, Chan Pollock



A quorum constituting the required board members were present in person.  The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm on August 15th, 2017 at the Tuscany Tavern by President Dave Young.  The Agenda for this meeting and Minutes from the June Annual meeting were approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.


  1. Treasury Report: Due to the Treasurer’s absence, Chan Pollock delivered the treasurers report through July 31, 2017 as prepared and forwarded by the Treasurer before the meeting. Income is in line with projections, only slightly ahead by about $100 due to the collection of late fees.  Spending is ahead of plan in selected areas, largely due to timing:  Landscape maintenance, over budget by $3,500 to date, occurs largely during summer months, but costs are spread evenly over all 12 months.   Likewise, snow removal, under budget by $2,900, is also spread evenly.   In both cases, we expect these to be about on plan by year end.  Total cash balance across operating and reserve funds is approximately $96,600 and in line with requirements for future maintenance reserve projects.  The report was reviewed by the Board and approved without dissent.
  2. Officer Appointments for 2017/2018: David Young was re-nominated for President, Scott Smith for Treasurer and Chan Pollock for Secretary.  Amanda Small was nominated for Vice President.  All appointments, effective from this meeting through the next Annual Meeting in 2018, were approved without dissent.  Additionally, Dan Fesenmeyer was nominated for, and he accepted, the Architecture Committee Chair position.
  3. Street Repairs: The roads were discussed in detail. 2017 is the proper year to complete the shoulder repairs as well as the sealing of the cracks with hot tar.  The Board approved a budget for both and requested Dan Fesenmeyer and resident Dan Donoho to oversee the bid process.  Bids are to be forwarded to the Board for final selection and approval, with all work to be completed by year-end.
  4. Next Meeting: The Board set the date for the next meeting – November 14th, 6:30pm at the Tuscany Tavern.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Submitted By: Chan Pollock, Board Secretary