August 21st, 2018
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Young, Gretchen Stubenvoll, Amanda Small, Dan Fesenmeyer, Chan Pollock, Scott Smith, Eric Helander
A quorum constituting the required HOA and Board members were present in person. The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm on August 21, 2018 at the Tuscany Tavern. The Agenda for this meeting and Minutes from the May annual meeting were approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.
- Treasury Report: Scott Smith delivered the treasurer’s report regarding financials through the end of July, 2018. Income was in line with projections, only slightly ahead due to the collection of late fees. Collections and expenses were on par with expectations. Not much to report. The Board approved the report with no objections.
- Issue with Waste Management: A homeowner reported seeing an individual from Waste Management rifling through the garbage and looking at disposed mail. After some discussion, it was determined that we’d let Waste Management know and let the neighborhood know thru the next newsletter that they should appropriate dispose of “junk mail”. Additionally, the subject of a second “dumpster weekend” was discussed. After some discussion, and generally because of cost, we agreed that one dumpster weekend per year should be sufficient.
- Signage for the Chamber of Commerce: The board was contacted by the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce regarding the possibility of placing directional signage on our existing sign posts to assist with vehicles attempting to come and go from the Chamber office at the stone house The chamber believed it to be in our best interest to minimize directionally challenged vehicles that head up Belford only to find a dead end. After discussion, there was a motion with no opposition for Chan to get back to the Chamber with the following guidance: that we’d like to see a mockup of the sign, that we’d like to better understand where they’d like it placed, and we also thought “Not an Exit” at our own cost might be in our best interest on the Belford sign if we also trimmed the tree in close proximity partially blocking the sign once we understand the Chamber’s interest. UPDATE Since Board Meeting: An e-mail was sent to the Chamber President outlining the above and we received no response as of the December Board meeting.
- Social Committee: Dave proposed a neighborhood poker night for September. Amanda was to assist with invitations.
- Next Meeting: The Board set the date for the next Board meeting – November 6th, 2018, 6:30pm at the Tuscany Tavern (if available, else location TBD). Update: Meeting later rescheduled to December 20th due to Board member absences.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Submitted By: Chan Pollock, Board Secretary