Board members present: Angie Mays, Gretchen Stubenvoll, Chris Jenkins, Beth Hilquist
Four of the six board members were present. Per section 6.6 of the Amended Bylaws, this constitutes a majority of the board for a quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm at the Stubenvoll residence.
Minutes from prior meeting: The minutes from the prior board meeting (May 3, 2022) were reviewed by Chris. Meeting minutes were approved by voice vote without objection.
Unfinished business:
Survey results were in favor of dumpsters, and we proceeded with using them.Camper issue: camper is confirmed as no longer on the property.
Fire mitigation: Evergreen fire department assessed four houses in a risk assessment. The results of the assessment were discussed. A letter will be sent by the board sharing best practices in fire mitigation. Beth discussed a possible notification plan for communication concerning fire emergencies. Fire mitigation plans for the neighborhood and individual homeowners were discussed. Open space fire mitigation was discussed.
Treasurer report: Gretchen reported that overall, the financial position of the HOA remains solid. We have been able to contribute to the Reserve Fund according to the 2022 budget. Unfortunately, Year-to-Date, our expenses are over budget. Specifically, the waste removal fees are approximately $4800 over budget due to the unexpected increase in dumpster costs and variable monthly waste removal costs, all due to increased fuel surcharge fees. Thankfully, we’ve been able to absorb these increased fees from reduced spending in the Miscellaneous Maintenance and Repair, Road Maintenance, and Legal Fees/HOA Registrations categories. Despite this budget overage, as of August 3, there remains a “cushion” of approximately $8,250 in the checking account, which accumulated from past years. After much discussion around the need to start a fire mitigation plan according to the proposal by Blue Sky Fire Mitigation, Gretchen reported that the HOA could absorb the cost of Phase 1A ($4250) from the cushion. It was further discussed that any additional fire mitigation costs will have to be budgeted for in future years.
New Business: Angie proposed to move forward with phase 1A in fire mitigation program (Blue Sky Fire mitigation) with cost of $4250 in 2022, with expectation that 1B will be paid 2023. Motion approved. Angie and Beth will be primary contact with Blue Sky.
Road update: none
Social: The block party was a success. The next socials will be decided upon in November meeting
ARC: A homeowner has requested permission to build an addition onto the main level of their home. After review, ARC has provided preliminary approval subject to any Jefferson County requirements. The homeowner has contacted surrounding neighbors and they have all provided approval.
The next meeting will be November 1st, 6:30pm at Mays home. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm.
Submitted by: Chris Jenkins, Board Secretary
Approved: November 1, 2022