Board members present: Angie Mays, Gretchen Stubenvoll, Chris Jenkins, Dan Fesenmeyer, Cindy Middleton
Other homeowners present: Beth Hilquist
Six of the 53 lots (11.3%) of the lots were represented in person at the meeting constituting the requisite 10% quorum per section 4.5 of the Amended Bylaws. After introductions of all attendees, the meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm at the Stubenvoll residence in Evergreen, Colorado. The agenda for this meeting was approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.
Minutes from prior meeting: The minutes from the prior board meeting (November 9, 2021) were reviewed by Chris. Meeting minutes were approved by voice vote without objection.
Treasurer report: Gretchen reported 2021 was a year of transition where the HOA navigated changing bookkeepers, increasing dues, recommitting to funding the reserve fund, and managing or postponing operating expenses as costs continued to rise. To that end, the 2021 Profit and Loss Budget vs. 2021 Profit and Loss Actual Statement shows a net ordinary income of $3.76. It was noted that on January 19, 2022, $11,560.71, representing the reserve amount collected in 2021, and $14,204.00, representing the reserve amount earmarked for 2020, were transferred to the reserve fund. Starting in 2022, we are going to transfer to the reserve fund, reserve amounts collected on a quarterly basis. As of the date of this meeting, the HOA had $15,101.11 in the checking account, $45,294.94 in the savings account and $54,240.71 in the CD.
Gretchen also presented a 2022 draft budget for review, that included an increase in the quarterly reserve amount from $40/lot to $50/lot. We can do this because our 2022 gross revenues are increasing due to collection of a full year of dues increases, as set in 2021, and budgeting for modest increase in 2022 expenses. The budget also includes a small dues reduction for the vacant lot at the end of El Diente, as this lot is not being charged for monthly waste removal under the new Waste Management agreement. The board voted on and unanimously approved the 2022 budget as presented.
The 2021 Federal and CO tax returns are being prepared by Valentine Seevers and will be filed prior to the March 15, 2022 deadline. It is expected that our taxable income, mostly from the interest earned on our CD, will be minimal.
Fire mitigation: Angie reported about downed trees in the open space above El Diente. Bob Cappaert has volunteered to support this effort. Cindy reported on slash pickup and costs from Acre’s– $170 per hour and $150 to dump. We will pilot this slash pickup in lieu of the dumpsters for 2022 as the dumpsters have always been primarily for fire mitigation. We will discuss parameters and a proposal for the next meeting. Slash will be weekend after garage sale/block party
Road committee: Dan reported that he found somebody at Jefferson County and we are on the list this summer. We have two companies that came out to give preliminary estimate for road resurfacing and are hopeful to receive two estimates. Each company stated that our current road life is 10+ years at this time. They both recommended that we continue crack filling. Chris discussed grate damage and Dan will look into it. He thinks that the HOA owns the grate. We renewed snowplow contract for three years. Crack filling will occur summer or fall.
Waste Management update: The login access to the WM account will be assigned to Gretchen. Beth reported that WM is enforcing stricter rules. Be sure to check the WM management site for clarification on how to place trash for pickup. Chris will send out a tutorial on how to access WM website and sign up for notifications or find out about delays on the website. Dan reported that excess bins can be donated to Echo or Habitat for humanity.
Tech report: Beth will provide Chris a blurb about WM info to post on website.
Social: Ornament party and beer exchange was a success. June 11 neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for 8am to 2pm with a block party following from 4pm to 7pm. The block party will be hosted by Chris at 1484 Belford Court. The block party will be discussed further at the next meeting.
New business: Bob Cappaert will help replace front entrance lights
ARC submissions: none
The next HOA board meeting will be our annual meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 6:30pm at Tuscany Tavern.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.
Submitted by: Chris Jenkins, Board Secretary
Approved May 3, 2022