July 21st, 2015
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chan Pollock, Fabrice Fonck, Allen Richardson, Roxanne Smith, Mike Dobson, Dave Young
A quorum constituting the required board members were present in person. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm on July 21, 2015 at Tuscany Tavern by President David Young. The Agenda was reviewed then motioned for approval by Richardson, seconded by Fonck with no objections.
TREASURER REPORT: Allen Richardson (Treasurer) reviewed our operating budget actuals thru June 30, 2015 and highlighted several items of interest: various maintenance overages, Christmas lighting (which we will self-handle in December this year), and additional funds budgeted for mowing (see Landscape committee report). Generally, budget was on plan for 2015. A motion for treasury report approval was made by Fonck, seconded by Smith, and carried with no objection.
ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT: Mike Paules and Mike Dobson provided an overview of the fence staining project (the HOA owns the fence along CO-74 from the North boundary of the association to the stone house). Two college students with Paules and Dobson oversight were working to get this done. Weather had not cooperated early in the season and the project was therefore delayed. The team hoped to get at least one side done by end-August when the workers needed to go back to college. Mike Paules also reported that we need to transition the committee to others. Leanne Fesenmeyer and Reid Thompson have volunteered. We are in need of one additional HOA member, preferably with some experience with building/remodeling, to assist.
SOCIAL COMMITTEE REPORT: No report. The issue of a fall picnic was brought up with no resolution. Allen was to check with Social Committee.
LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE REPORT: Roxanne Smith provided an overview of the various landscape maintenance activities in the neighborhood – mowing, tree trimming, varmint elimination, etc. Board member Richardson suggested we add another mowing to the late summer schedule given the excessive rain early in the season. It was also requested that we request the mowing company to handle the weeds in the common areas along the Windom entrance off of Squaw Pass Road. Board was in agreement.
- Road Repairs/Shoulder Maintenance: The spring rains damaged the road shoulders in several places. 2015 is the year to perform shoulder maintenance and there is a budget line item to get this accomplished out of the road reserve. HOA resident Dan Donoho has helped contact potential road repair companies in the past and had volunteered to help this season. Chan Pollock volunteered to contact Dan to get the process moving again. The Board authorized a small committee consisting of Donoho, Pollock, Richardson and Smith to solicit bids for shoulder maintenance and to look at water diversion strategies along El Diente to commence work in late summer or fall. (UPDATE: At time of writing, several suppliers had been contacted and all were busy through the end of September).
- Jeffco LED Signage: It was brought to the Board’s attention that an e-mail was circulated to several HOA members regarding a request by a local business to construct an LED sign along I-70 near El Rancho. The e-mail was soliciting opposition for a variety of reasons. The position of the business was not represented in the e-mail. After a short discussion, the Board opted to take no official position and encouraged HOA residents to take their own positions on the matter.
- Intent to Purchase form: The HOA maintains an Intent to Purchase form at its website for transfer of ownership. The purpose of the form is a.) to collect homeowner information for our records, b.) to receive acknowledgement that the new owners have received our covenants, and c.) to handle receipt of a transfer fee from the buyer(s). Dave Young reported that he was contacted by an HOA member that felt that some of the requested information was either privileged or unnecessary. After review, the Board agreed that the form could be improved. Dave Young took the action item to review and revise the form.
- Rental Process: The process for renting/leasing a home in the HOA is clearly articulated in the HOA documentation. After a short discussion, the Board decided to defer to the fall meeting the process, forms and fees associated with an HOA member choosing to lease/rent their home.
- Next Board meeting: The date of the next board meeting was set for Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at the Tuscany Tavern.
- Motion to Adjourn was made by Pollock, seconded by Richardson with no objection. Meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm.
- Submitted by: Chan Pollock, Secretary