May 22nd, 2019
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Young, Gretchen Stubenvoll, Chan Pollock, Scott Smith
Other HOA Members Present: Angie Mays, Bernstein/Hoot, David Evans, Rita Pollock
A quorum constituting the required Board members were present in person. The meeting was called to order at 6:55 pm on May 22nd, 2019 at the Tuscany Tavern. The Agenda for this meeting and Minutes from the February meeting were approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.
- Treasury Report: Scott Smith delivered the treasurer’s report regarding financials through April, 2019. Income was in line with projections. Collections were on par with expectations, with no notable overdue dues greater than 90 days noted. Currently we are running $1700 under budget, largely due to grounds maintenance and several unused categories to date that will be used later in year. Overage in snow removal will gradually disappear during the non-snowy months. We have $98K in assets, and sufficient reserves for eventual road replacements. The financial report was approved without objection.
- Short Term Property Rental: The issue of short term property rentals was brought up, and after some discussion, the Board was in agreement that the covenants prohibiting short term (less than 120 days) are sufficient as written.
- Newsletter and Contact List: The Secretary will get the updated contact info out to the general membership. Many thanks to the Boy Scouts that solicited updates last fall.
- New Business: The Board agreed that a neighborhood walkaround by the Board members should occur during the summer months. Some have complained about cracks or potholes in the roads and they should be inspected. Others have complained about cars parked on the streets. The Board would look for covenant issues and send reminders to the HOA.
- Annual Election: The Board seats held by Stubenvoll and Fesenmeyer expired at this meeting. We had one additional opening with the resignation of an additional Board member. There were no nominations from the general members in advance of the meeting. Board members Fesenmeyer and Stubenvol agreed to serve an additional 3 years, and Angie Mays was nominated at the meeting to the additional open seat. The three Board members were elected by voice vote with no objection at the meeting. The Board will affirm the officers at the next meeting of the Board.
- Next Meeting: The Board set the date for the next Board meeting, August 6, 6:30pm at the Tuscany Tavern.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Submitted By: Chan Pollock, Board Secretary