November 9, 2021

Board members present: Angie Mays, Gretchen Stubenvoll, Chris Jenkins, Dan Fesenmeyer, Shelly Sunderhuse, Cindy Middleton

Other homeowners present: Bob Cappaert, Sara Hiza, Amanda Small, Beth Hilquist, Justin Murray, Dennis Keating

Twelve of 53 (22.6%) of the lots were represented in person at the meeting constituting the requisite 10% quorum per section 4.5 of the Amended Bylaws. After introductions of all attendees, the meeting was called to order at 6:45pm at Tuscany Tavern in Evergreen, Colorado. The agenda for this meeting was approved by voice acknowledgement without discussion or objection.

Minutes from prior meeting: The minutes from the prior board meeting (August 10, 2021) were reviewed by the Secretary (Chris Jenkins). Meeting minutes were approved by voice vote without objection.

Treasurer Report: Treasurer (Gretchen Stubenvoll) reported that transition to the new bookkeeper, Felisa Bilello at Valentine Seevers, is wrapping up and despite our increase in accounting expenses (due to the transition), it is expected that we will end 2021 near budget as we minimized our maintenance and legal expenses.  Once we are confident that all 2021 expenses are paid, we will calculate the correct amount to move to our reserve fund based on our 2021 dues increase and remaining cash left over from 2020.  Thanks to Roxanne Smith for keeping our common areas looking great while operating under budget. 

Road committee report: Bob Cappaert discussed patching the road. Dan Fesenmeyer reported Windom is a county road and generally every 2-3 years we fix cracks. We will probably fix cracks next year. He’s talking to asphalt companies concerning remaining life of our roads and possible goal is to get two companies to look at roads to assess them and provide an estimate for the future.

Parking & renting issue from previous meeting: The board reconnected with attorney and reviewed covenants again. Renting covenants discussed

WM contract approval: Amanda Small discussed current contract, contract renews December 1. We received credit for a year of overbilling for 54 houses instead of 52. Waste management is responsible for repair and replacement of their receptacles. The Waste Management contract was approved by voice vote.

Landscaping and grounds: We are pleased with the work of our current vendor.

Social: Cindy Middleton discussed an upcoming lady’s ornament exchange.

Architecture review committee: There are no new or pending submissions.

New business:

We have a new email address for residents to correspond with the board—

Gretchen Stubenvoll reported that the owner of the vacant lot at the end of El Diente requests that they shouldn’t have to pay a waste removal fee as this lot does not generate weekly household waste.  As the HOA is not paying for the weekly household waste removal for this vacant lot under the new WM contract, the general consensus was that we should not be charging this owner for this service.  Gretchen said she would contact the owner about this fee reduction with a reminder that they are still responsible for fire mitigation on this vacant lot.  A motion was made to remove this weekly fee from the quarterly dues owed on this lot.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Dan Fesenmeyer reported he will call about the current snowplowing contract.

Legal counsel recently reached out to Angie and Gretchen to remind the HOA that the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) requires annual HOA registration, primarily to allow HOAs to enforce dues payments.  It is unknown as to why our registration lapsed in 2016.  Gretchen said she would look into renewing our registration without having to incur legal fees to do so.

Dumpster issue with new WM contract was discussed. This will be discussed further at next meeting with regard to a fire mitigation plan for 2022.

Shelly Sunderhuse once again raised her concern about property owners renting out a portion of their home to roommates and the board engaged in a discussion.  As this “roommate” right is expressly provided for in the HOA bylaws and confirmed by legal counsel opinion, the HOA board decided not to pursue this issue further.

The next HOA board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 8th at Stubenvoll residence 6:30pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Submitted by: Chris Jenkins, Board Secretary

Approved February 8, 2022