November 19th, 2015
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Young, Fabrice Fonck, Mike Dobson, Christin Helander, Chan Pollock
OTHER RESIDENTS IN ATTENDANCE: Dan & Tara Voelker, Kent Wise, Shelley Sunderhuse, Rita Pollock
A quorum constituting the required board members were present in person. The meeting was called to order at 6:50 pm on November 19th, 2015 at Tuscany Tavern by President David Young. The Agenda was reviewed then motioned for approval by Pollock, seconded by Dobson with no objections. The minutes from the prior meeting held in July were available for review. The prior meeting minutes, also available at the website, were motioned for approval by Pollock, seconded by Fonck with no objections.
TREASURER REPORT: Richardson (treasurer) was out of town and could not attend. He had forwarded the treasurer report to the Board in advance of the meeting. Pollock reviewed the highlights with those present. As of 10/31/15, we are $250 ahead of plan on revenues, due to late fees/finance charges, new owner transfer fees and how we handle accruals. For the year, we will probably be about $150 ahead of plan on revenues. Net income for the year is $4000 short of budget projections. This is due largely to the $3700 fence repair project that we took on in the summer of 2015 (see below for fence update). Long term repairs are handled by reserves. We should be about at budget plan (with the exception of the fence) at year end, subject to about average snows. A motion for treasury report approval was made by Helander, seconded by Dobson, and carried with no objection.
SNOW REMOVAL SERVICE: Pollock reported several homeowner concerns regarding our snow services. After a lengthy discussion, it was clear we hadn’t communicated appropriately with our provider for the 2015/2016 season. The Board made the following decisions for 2015/2016:
- To retain Jim Noble as our snow service for the coming season at 2014/2015 rates, and
- That to maintain an appropriate balance of cost and safety, we would like the snow cleared first thing in the morning for snow in excess of 4” that accumulated overnight, and again later in the day should it accumulate at least 4” throughout the day, but not more than 2 passes in 24 hours without prior approval. We will also like sand at shady/slippery areas throughout the neighborhood when ice accumulates, and
- That Mike Dobson would be the focal point for all snow issues, including communicating the above to Noble and getting his quote for snow/sand in writing, requesting additional passes in a 24-hour period, and fielding homeowner queries.
A motion regarding the above 3 points was made by Pollock, seconded by Dobson with no objection. We will also encourage homeowners to communicate snow issues to Mike directly rather than call the vendor (Noble).
ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW AND COVENANT ISSUES: Young and Pollock reported several homeowner queries regarding general neighborhood appearance Covenants. Specifically, homeowners had contacted the board regarding trailers parked permanently in driveways, more than the allowed number of cars parked permanently in driveways outside of the garage, noisy dogs in the neighborhood, and the size/shape of allowed fencing pertaining to new fence installations over the summer. A motion was made by Helander, seconded by Fonck as follows: That Board President Young will contact the homeowners where specific issues were raised and that a general communication regarding our Covenants including where to find them on the website, who to contact, and the most common issues that come up, will be sent to all homeowners via e-mail. Although there was also some discussion about amending our Covenants to include more specificity regarding noise abatement (pertaining to barking dogs in this case), we deferred such discussion to a future meeting, as Covenant amendments require significant discussion and effort.
FENCE MAINTENANCE: Dobson reported that the exterior fence along Evergreen Parkway was completed during early fall, 2015 at a cost of approximately $3,700 (see Treasurer report). It had been 9 years since the exterior was repaired or stained. The interior (west facing) has never been repaired or restained since construction in 1995. It will cost more than the exterior as it needs more repair, has more surface area and will take more stain. He recommended that we schedule the interior for the spring/summer 2016 as weather permits.
ROAD SHOULDER MAINTENANCE: Homeowner Donoho had been assisting the Board soliciting bids to repair the road shoulders where there was washout/damage from the rainy spring/summer season. When first solicited in July/August, we received no bids from the contacted suppliers, as our project was too small and they were too busy. We have since received two bids of approximately the same content/cost and either company can still complete the work this season, weather permitting. The Board had previously approved the funding to accomplish this. Dobson agreed to take this on and move it to completion.
ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT: All current Architectural Review Committee (ARC) members were unavailable to attend this Board meeting. Leanne Fesenmeyer had sent a note to the Board prior to the meeting reporting one significant approval (32569 El Diente) for exterior modifications to the property. Additionally, she was looking for additional volunteers to serve on the committee. Homeowner Tara Voelker volunteered and will be joining Leanne and Reid Thompson for 2015/2016. In the next general communication to the HOA, we will also remind homeowners of the ARC process and members.
SOCIAL COMMITTEE REPORT: No report. It was noted that none of the 2015 allotted budget had yet been spent on Social activities.
- Evergreen Area Plan: We are in receipt of an overall plan for the Evergreen area from a Jefferson County group. We will post a link at our website.
- Non-solicitation: Several homeowners have reported solicitors in the Promontory. We discussed how to contact the Jeffco Sherriff and that they are certainly willing to come by and shoo them away. We will post the non-emergency Jeffco Sherriff number on the website and in a general communication, encourage homeowners to simply tell solicitors that this is a posted non-solicitation neighborhood and that should they not leave, a call will be made to the Sherriff. This, of course, does not apply to our neighborhood children.
- Christmas/Holiday Decorating: Mike Dobson will coordinate the decorating of the Squaw Pass Road neighborhood entrance this year. We will take this on as homeowners rather than hire an outside contractor, as we have not been happy with the outcome in prior years. We have several lights and cords in inventory. We agreed on November 28th, 11am to commence decorating. A general note to homeowners, soliciting their assistance and unneeded lights would go out.
- Next Board meeting: The date of the next board meeting was set for Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at the Tuscany Tavern. The 2016 budget would be reviewed and approved at that meeting.
Motion to Adjourn was made by Young, seconded by Hellander with no objection. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Submitted by: Chan Pollock, Secretary