The Promontory at Soda Creek, Quarterly Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2023
Board members present: Angie Mays, Gretchen Stubenvoll, Chris Jenkins, Beth Hilquist, Dan Fesenmeyer
Homeowners present: Steve Mays, Leanne Fesenmeyer, John Morrill, Bruce Bernstein
Five of the five board members were present. Per section 6.6 of the Amended Bylaws, this constitutes a majority of the board for a quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm at Tuscany Tavern.
Agenda was approved by voice vote with no objection.
Minutes from prior meeting: The minutes from the prior board meeting (August 9, 2023) were reviewed by Chris. Meeting minutes were approved by voice vote without objection.
Treasurer report:
Gretchen presented the Profit & Loss Budget v. Actual (January – October). Most line items are within budget with the exception of legal ($1142 overage) and road maintenance ($8400 overage). Legal expenses through October were greater than budgeted due to the extra legal time required to finalize the new HOA governance documents. Road maintenance expenses through October were greater than budgeted due to the significant increase in material costs for the crack fill project. Additional legal and road maintenance expenses are not expected through the end of the year. It was also reported that starting with the 4Q23 dues invoices and going forward, the stated HOA late fee and interest rate were increased per the HOA Policy regarding Procedures for Collection of Unpaid Assessments, adopted by the board on August 9, 2023. Specifically, as of 4Q23, “All unpaid balances that are past-due by 30 days or more accrue interest at 2% per quarter and will be assessed a $25 per month late fee.” Finally, as of November 8, the checking account had a balance of $12,427.67, the savings account had a balance of $10,187.88 and the CD had a balance of $100,818.84 (Reserve Total savings plus CD $111,006.72).
Board discussion:
Fire mitigation: Angie presented the Phase 2A proposal from our vendor of the fire mitigation project which will remove 21 trees that are flagged as dead or dying. The most important steps of the project have happened, and we are ready for the next phase. This phase will occur in 2024 and Phase 2B will occur in 2025. The board discussed the positive aspects of our fire mitigation strategy. All of the fire mitigation occurs on common areas owned by the HOA. A motion was made to approve Phase 2A for $4200 and was approved by voice vote without objection.
Neighborhood street signs: The board discussed the condition of the signs. Options of repair or replacement were discussed. Bob Cappart has volunteered to get this project started. Dan will seek some bids for street sign replacement.
Road repairs: Dan reported on crack filling. The board discussed other road maintenance issues we need to address.
ARC: Dan reported on two submissions that were approved.
New business:
The board discussed the condition of the mailbox keys.
The board discussed the upcoming holiday socials including a possible ornament exchange and a possible beer exchange.
Board elections will be in May and several current members are not running for re-election. Angie has encouraged other homeowners to consider becoming a member. If we do not have enough homeowners seek election to the board, then we will consider the possibility of an HOA management company.
The next meeting will be February 7th, 6:30pm at Tuscany Tavern. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.
Submitted by: Chris Jenkins, Board Secretary
Approved approved February 7, 2024