Meeting Minutes
The Promontory at Soda Creek – HOA
October 27th, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 6:42 pm by Chan Pollock at Tuscany Tavern restaurant in Evergreen, Colorado.
Board Members in attendance included: Chan Pollock, Mike Dobson, Fabrice Fonck, Roxanne Smith, and Leanne Fesenmeyer. Allen Richardson and Christin Helander were absent. Other attendees included: Mike Paules and Dave Evans.
Approval of Agenda and Prior Meeting Minutes:
The meeting agenda was presented and Fabrice made a motion for approval, which was seconded and approved. Chan commented that that the prior meeting minutes are available on the website and asked if there were any corrections. No corrections were suggested and as such, the meeting minutes stand approved.
Treasurer Report:
Allen Richardson, Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting due to a death in the family. As such, Chan reviewed the financial status through September 30, 2014 as provided to him by Allen. Key points included:
- We are slightly ahead of Budget on revenues ($255.93) due to an increase in transfer fees and late fees.
- Current projections are that we will have net income of approximately $10,000 at year end, consistent with our 2014 budget.
- Our cash position is slightly more than $73,400 with the funds being divided between a checking account ($7,300) and a new Money Market account ($65,350) with the balance in receivables.
- We project to break even for Q4 2014 including a $3,400 expense for the recently completed Road Maintenance to tar the roads, which has been paid. Of note, the shoulders have not been worked on yet and it was the consensus of the board that a committee including him, Dan Donoho, Mike Dobson and Allen Richardson work together to collect several bids for the work which will likely be in the range of $5,000-6,000. Additionally, Mike offered to contact Dan to determine our plan for contacting Jefferson County Roads and Bridges to determine options for working on Windom Drive including the small section just beyond the grate within the neighborhood boundary.
A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s 2014 report, which was seconded and approved.
Chan then initiated a review of the first draft 2015 budget. Key discussion points included:
- the proposed allocation and timing for the previously discussed Road Repair
- a potential increase in Waste Removal should we decide to add a dumpster event in the fall
- Doubling the technology budget to $80 in order to shift our hosting and management to GoDaddy.
It was the consensus of the board that we ask the Treasurer for a review of the preliminary 2015 budget prior to year-end via a group board email distribution. Included in that is an assumption that we will spend $4,000 every three years for rubber fill road repair and a $6,000 expense every three years (including 2015) for shoulder work and a $130,000 in 2020 for repaving.
A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s preliminary 2015 budget, which was seconded and approved.
Architectural Review Committee Report
Mike shared that a homeowner is adding some decking and that he has been exchanging emails with the homeowner but they have not clarified their intended purpose as it relates to colors, decking, etc. but has not received a definitive response in recent weeks. It was the consensus of the board that we will not intervene until a significant issue arises as it relates to the proposed plans versus the HOA guidelines.
He also noted that there has been more chain-saw noise and that he has some concerns regarding whether or not homeowners are seeking ARC approval for such actions. It was suggested that the HOA be reminded of the acceptable policies and procedures regarding fire mitigation, tree removal for insurance purposes, etc. As such, a general communication to the HOA will be distributed.
Social Committee Report:
Leanne shared that Cindy Middleton hosted Bunco on October 9th and the group hopes to meet on a regular basis. She also shared that the Richardson’s are offering to host a couples Valentine’s Day party.
The Social Committee report was accepted and approved.
Landscape/Maintenance Report:
It was suggested that we decorate for the holidays on our own versus outsourcing the work. As such, it was the consensus of the board that Mike Dobson would invite the HOA to participate in a holiday lights decorating event on Saturday, December 6th at 10:30 am during with they could contribute their lights and decorations and help decorate the neighborhood entrance. Additionally, it was the consensus of the board that a budget of $250 would be allocated for the purchase of ancillary items including timers, decorations, refreshments, etc.
Roxanne shared that there are several new vole infestations in the primary open area. However, despite the expense for remediation and the $250 allocation for holiday lights, we will likely have a $1,750 expense for Q4.
The Landscape Committee report was accepted and approved.
Other Items:
One homeowner sent us an e-mail commenting that there has been a frequent issue with mail being delivered to the wrong home. It was agreed that we would include a note in the next general homeowner e-mail that would encourage homeowners to deliver the mail to the proper resident versus noting “wrong delivery” on the items.
A homeowner questioned what the intended purpose of the empty lot across from the playground at Buchanan Park. It was agreed that Roxanne would explore the status of the situation as part of her participation in the cross-HOA group to which we belong.
A homeowner commented that there are two dogs that are wandering off leash in her area of the neighborhood on a regular basis. It was agreed that the dog owners would be notified.
Mike Paules suggested that we consider amending our covenants allowing homeowners to install small HDTV antennas to enable direct connections for local television, etc.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting was set for February 9th, 2015 at 6:30 pm. At 8:16 pm, Mike made a motion to adjourn which was seconded and approved.