September 24, 2012
The association President, Jan Barkman called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. in the meeting room at the Tuscany Tavern, Evergreen, Colorado.
Board members present: Jan Barkman, Christin Helander, Chan Pollock, Leanne Fesenmeyer
Board members absent: Brian Reece
Other attendees: Anita Barkman, Rita Pollock, Dan Donoho. Tonya Dunham, Mike Paules. Roxanne Smith.
The agenda was approved as submitted. The minutes from the March 5, 2012 meeting were approved as previously distributed to all owners.
Treasurer’s Report
Chan Pollock presented the Promontory at Soda Creek HOA Calendar Year 2012 Financials compared to Budget through August 31, 2012 as provided by Evergreen Bookkeepers.
Full year revenues are projected to be under budget by $1,266 but there is a concern that the recent dues increase approved at the annual meeting on May 14, 2012 was not reflected in the annual budget projection.
There has been only one major dues delinquency and that resident has been contacted and full payment is expected by October 1, 2012, if not before.
There is approximately $47,000 in the bank account and, if we meet assumptions for the remainder of the year, we will have approximately $49,000, which is on target. We must be cognizant of the potential need for about $100,000 for road repaving in 10+ years (it could be as soon as 8 or as long as 12+ years depending on weather conditions and regular maintenance). As such, the goal for 2012 was to put aside $11,533 at the end of 2012 and current projections of $8,056 in addition to specific budget adjustments $3,085 (e.g. reduced grounds maintenance, no further neighborhood maintenance, etc.) should result in a shortfall of $392 vs the target of $11,533.
Acceptance and approval of the newly updated professional report was requested and approved.
Replacement of Board Members
We did not have a candidate to replace Cindy Detlefs at the annual meeting in May. As such, Jan made a motion to nominate Roxanne Smith to fill the vacancy for the remainder of Cindy’s term beginning immediately through the Annual Meeting in the spring of 2014. The motion was accepted and approved.
Mike Paules was intending to phase out of the ARC beginning in May with the goal of transitioning to Gretchen Stubenvoll. Since that desired outcome has not materialized, there is a need for additional committee membership.
Jill Donoho had submitted an email to Jan Barkman which stated that in 2002, there was a representative on the ARC for each street in the neighborhood. She added that the following individuals have volunteered to serve on the committee: Tim Bricker/Belford Court, Christine Thompson/Bross Court, Jill Donoho/Shavano Court, and Tanya Dunham/Windom Drive. She closed with a question regarding next steps in terms of finalizing committee membership.
Jan reminded the group that committee decisions be objective and fair. He added that if decisions made by the ARC are challenged, the HOA Board is the final arbiter and as such, no ARC member should be an HOA board member.
Mike added that the ARC approval form requires updating and that proposals require a site map/plan, a list of contractors, etc. He also suggested an annual “walk” to assess properties, common space, etc. Mike closed by saying that he is open to staying on the committee in an advisory role.
Jan proposed and received approval for a motion that we accept the nomination of the following volunteers: Tim Bricker/Belford Court, Christine Thompson/Bross Court, Jill Donoho/Shavano Court, and Tanya Dunham/Windom Drive with the stipulation that Mike stay on board in an advisory role.
Dead Trees in Open Space
There are two trees in the 11 acre open space above El Diente Court including one that was hit by lighting two years ago. Cost to remove the large tree is approximately $960 vs $800 to leave a large stump. Chan Pollock made a motion that we postpone our decision until spring 2013.
Sink Hole Behind El Diente Mailboxes
Jan received a call from the Richardson’s regarding concerns about leakage around their foundation which they were repairing after which they would have backfill dirt and would the HOA be interested in utilizing it to address the sink hole behind the El Diente mailboxes.
Roxanne explained that the sinkhole has been there for many years and continues to lose stability. As such, she has been in contact with the county to discuss options, particularly given the culverts that travel from there to the Donoho property and through another culvert under Windom Drive to the open space. She was told that the optimal near term solution requires a combination of waddles and riprap. In the meantime, the dirt that was deposited there (by the Richardson’s and subsequently spread out by their contractors) resulted in the sinkhole being filled in but in a manner which was detrimental to the inherent structural integrity of the area. As such, substantial efforts are required in order to resolve the issue.
As next steps, Roxanne recommended that we have a representative from the county’s roads and bridges group assess the situation and procure a recommendation from Dave Stubbs of Acres Services.
2012 Golf Tourney
Brian Reece has secured tee times at the Evergreen Golf Course beginning at 2 pm on Sunday, October 7th with libations to follow. He is soliciting prizes for various events (longest drive, closest to hole etcetera) and Jan has volunteered to provide a bottle of wine to each member of the winning team. Several residents have expressed interest in participating.
Covenant Issues
- 1361 Bross Court – Chan reiterated that they were behind on their payments and that complaints had been received regarding extra cars parked on their property, all of which has been resolved.
- Emailing of Covenants – Jan will point out specific issues related to covenants that are of importance when sends out the covenants via email.
Trash Pickup
Our contract with EDS Waste Solutions expires in May 2013. It was proposed that we procure alternative bids in Q1 2013.
Date for Next Meeting
It was proposed that we meet on Monday, December 3rd at 7 pm at Tuscany Tavern.
Other Issues
There was discussion about having a common area for neighbors to gather, such as a gazebo in the open space, where the block party was held. The topic will be revisited in a future meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Leanne Fesenmeyer, Secretary