August 9, 2016



August 9, 2016

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Young, Scott Smith, Mike Dobson, Kent Wise, Gretchen Stubenvol, Chan Pollock, Christin Helander

OTHER HOA MEMBERS PRESENT: Terri Dickerson, Penny Clark, Bonnie Lyle

A quorum constituting the required board members were present in person.  The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm on August 9, 2016 at the Tuscany Tavern.

  1. Treasury Report: There was little to report. A few minor variances due to timing, but within accrual amounts.  Treasury report was motioned for acceptance with no objection.
  2. Fence Work: Fence work is ready to start pending weather. Expect work to commence in September or October.  Action item for Secretary to send notice of upcoming work and for homeowners along fence to make sure dogs are leashed and grass is cleared for work to progress smoothly.
  3. Snow Removal for 2016-2017: Mike Dobson solicited and received bids for snow removal work for 2016-2017 snow season.  He recommended that we accept the Pine Grove bid, which included 3 different snow removal rates depending on the depth of snow to be cleared.  The recommendation carried with no objection.
  4. Road Repair: Mike also solicited and received bids for the repair of the road shoulders.  Mike requested a budgetary limit from the Board so that an appropriate contract could be negotiated.  The recommendation carried with no objection and a Not to Exceed amount was given to Mike.  Mike took action to negotiate final agreement with the chosen supplier.
  5. Front Entrance: The 20 year-old entrance sign and lighting at Squaw Pass Road and Windom was discussed in detail as it was in need of either repair or replacement.  Kent Wise had solicited several mockup designs and approximate pricing for sign replacement and Scott Smith had electrical bids for lighting repairs.  The board authorized Scott to proceed with electrical repairs and a not-to-exceed amount and we were to also request Zuni sign to provide final designs and a quote for sign replacement, again with a not-to-exceed amount.  We would select and approve the final design and proposal via e-mail, with work to be completed in October/November.
  6. Other Items: Kent Wise tendered his resignation from the Board, as they were moving to Idaho and their house has been sold.  Thank you Kent for your Board service.  Alternate Board member Leanne Fessenmeyer would fill his Board slot and serve his remaining term, effective immediately.
  7. Next Meeting: We tentatively set the next Board meeting for November 15th.

Submitted By: Chan Pollock, Board Secretary